Rohrpost personal-stamp   Introducing... The Austrian Philatelic Society and the world of Austrian Stamps!   Unaccepted design for Lieber Augustin

Hello, Grüß Di, and welcome to the Austrian Philatelic Society (APS) site, where you'll find details of its activities and publications, as well more general information on Austrian Philately. These pages are written by Andy Taylor, the Webmaster.

Guest article #1: Return receipt (RR) service in the Austrian Empire, to 1875
Guest article #2: The Richard Krueger Collection
Guest article #2: Sammlung "Richard A. Krueger"
Guest article #3: The 1890 Austrian Empire definitive issue
Guest article #4: The stamps (and some history) of the First Austrian Republic

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©APS; last changed 22 November 2023